E Eased_Edge | Edge_Sander | Electrical_Resistance | Electrification_time | Electrostatic_discharge_(ESD) | Electrostatic_Discharge_Ground | Electrostatic_Discharge_Sensitivity_(ESDS) | EMI | End_Joint | Engineered_Floating_Floor | EOS/ESD_Association | ESD | ESD_Carpet_Tile | ESD_Event_(a_static_discharge_or_spark) | ESD_Floors | ESD_protective | ESD_S_7.1 | ESDS | Excessively_Porous_Subfloor | Expansion_Gap |
1. Eased Edge-The beveled edge of strip flooring where the bevel is done at approximately 45 degrees. Submitted on Wednesday, February 01, 2023 7:56:19 AM 2. Edge Sander A hand-held power sander used to sand corners missed by the drum sander. Submitted on Monday, April 04, 2022 7:56:19 AM 3. Electrical Resistance: The measure of a material's ability to conduct a charge to ground. Submitted on Sunday, October 30, 2022 7:56:19 AM 4. Electrification time:The time for the resistance measuring instrument to stabilize at the value of the upper resistance range verification fixture. Submitted on Sunday, September 25, 2022 7:56:19 AM 5. Electrostatic discharge (ESD): The rapid, spontaneous transfer of electrostatic charge induced by a high electrostatic field. Note Submitted on Monday, May 16, 2022 7:56:19 AM 6. Electrostatic Discharge Ground The point, electrodes, bus bar, metal strips, or other system of conductors that form a path from a statically charged person or object to ground. Submitted on Sunday, September 05, 2021 7:56:19 AM 7. Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity (ESDS) The ESD level that causes component failure. (Note Submitted on Tuesday, May 24, 2022 7:56:19 AM 8. EMI: (Electromagnetic Interference) - the transmission of a rogue electrical signal, caused by ESD, and received by a computer or electrical device and has the potential to cause disruption and downtime. An example of EMI is the static interference you may hear over an automobile radio, caused by lightning, when you drive in the vicinity of an electrical storm. Submitted on Tuesday, June 29, 2021 7:56:19 AM 9. End Joint: The place where two pieces of flooring join end to end. Submitted on Friday, April 09, 2021 7:56:19 AM 10. Engineered Floating Floor:-A hard-surface floor made from wood or other natural products adhered to a core such as High-Density Fibreboard (HDF) for structural stability and durability. An engineered floating floor is designed for minimal expansion and contraction with changes in interior temperature and humidity. Submitted on Saturday, June 12, 2021 7:56:19 AM 11. EOS/ESD Association: (based in Rome, NY) - Four thousand members representing the largest trade association for the ESD issues. The association assists in writing and setting industry standards and test methodologies and publishing the latest research and technology on ESD. Submitted on Tuesday, January 10, 2023 7:56:19 AM 12. ESD:-The abbreviation for electrostatic discharge. In layman's terms Submitted on Thursday, April 07, 2022 7:56:19 AM 13. ESD Carpet Tile-Used to control the accumulation of electrostatic discharge on people, chairs and tables. A modular floor tile comprised of conductive carpet and a conductive thermoplastic backing. Usually manufactured using conductive fibers woven into the carpet face. A floor tile designed to provide an electrical path to ground for the dissipation of unwanted static electricity charges in applications where electronics are stored, manufactured, used or handled. An ESD grade flooring material will remain conductive at any relative humidity level. Not to be confused with computer grade or low kV carpet materials. Submitted on Monday, November 28, 2022 7:56:19 AM 14. ESD Event (a static discharge or spark): ESD events range across a broad spectrum from microscopic discharges far below the threshold of human sensitivity to violent static shocks like the ones you may feel when you touch a metal door handle on a dry day. ESD events can cause damage to sensitive devices. Submitted on Thursday, March 18, 2021 7:56:19 AM 15. ESD Floors Definition:This is a catch-all term for any type of floorcovering with antistatic or conductive properties. This description is usually used during the investigation phase of static control flooring materials. Referring to a conductive or antistatic flooring material as an ESD floor is not a sufficient reference for defining certifiable electrical properties. The proper way to specify a flooring material used in sensitive electronic environment requires stating the resistance to ground which is measured in ohms. Submitted on Tuesday, August 29, 2023 7:56:19 AM 16. ESD protective:-A property of materials capable of one or more of the following Submitted on Saturday, October 07, 2023 7:56:19 AM 17. ESD S 7.1-The ESD Association Standard 7.1 - "Resistance Characteristics of Materials." A generally accepted test method used to determine conductivity of flooring and other material surfaces. Submitted on Friday, October 22, 2021 7:56:19 AM 18. ESDS Definition:Electrostatic Discharge Susceptible. (See Electrostatic Discharge Susceptible and Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity.) Submitted on Wednesday, September 20, 2023 7:56:19 AM 19. Excessively Porous Subfloor Any subfloor surface that has an extremely rough surface, such as concrete that has recently been shot-blasted (blastracked), any subflooring that has leftover residue of old latex adhesive, recently skimcoated, rough wood subflooring, etc. Such subfloor conditions can create bonding issues and lead to the necessity of using sealers or a greater amount of adhesive to properly adhere floorcoverings. Submitted on Wednesday, July 21, 2021 7:56:19 AM 20. Expansion Gap-A gap (usually 3/8") that must be left around the edges of a room and any installed obstructions to allow for natural expansion and contraction in a floating floor that occurs with changes in room temperature and humidity. Submitted on Monday, January 18, 2021 7:56:19 AM
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