O One_Hundred_Megohms | One_Megohm | Oriental_rug | Oriental_Rug | Outdoor_carpet | Outdoor_Carpet |
1. One Hundred Megohms: "One Hundred Meg" equals one hundred million ohms or 1.0 x 108. The exponent, 8, refers to eight zeros after the 1. Julie Industries recommends this electrical resistance measurement as the maximum acceptable level for an ESD carpet specification. Submitted on Thursday, July 28, 2022 8:02:17 AM 2. One Megohm-"One Meg" equals 1 million ohms or 1.0 x 106. The exponent, 6, refers to the number of zeros after the 1. This measure is generally considered the maximum electrical resistance level for a conductive flooring specification. Submitted on Tuesday, September 28, 2021 8:02:17 AM 3. Oriental rug:-Hand-woven or hand knotted rugs traditionally made in the Middle or Far East. Generally, the more knots per square inch the more precious the carpet. Submitted on Tuesday, April 26, 2022 8:02:17 AM 4. Oriental Rug:Handwoven or hand knotted rugs native to the Middle or Far East available in many patterns and known for their colorations. Many machine-made rugs, made using Oriental rug designs, are also referred to as Oriental rugs. Submitted on Sunday, July 24, 2022 8:02:17 AM 5. Outdoor carpet-Polypropylene carpet for use outdoors on patios, walks and decks. Outdoor carpet is durable and able to withstand the harsh effects of weather. Also known as indoor/outdoor carpet. Submitted on Monday, March 14, 2022 8:02:17 AM 6. Outdoor Carpet:-Carpet designed to be used outdoors on patios, walks and decks. Usually made of polypropylene to withstand the weather and ultra-violet rays of the sun, most outdoor carpet is designed for glue-down installation. Submitted on Thursday, June 23, 2022 8:02:17 AM
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