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Award Natural Advantage Flooring Honey Stained Ash Quote

Award Natural Advantage Flooring Honey Stained Ash

$4.29 per sq. ft. for Award Natural Advantage Flooring, 7" x 86.5" x .5", Honey, Stained AshHome and Garden, Construction, Flooring, Hardwood

» Price: $5.49 $4.29 USD / SQFT

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Award Natural Advantage Flooring Honey Stained Ash Reviews

Spam and porn are a

Spam and porn are a fact of life on the internet. I too think that Facebook is doing a decnet job. I think that the key is to have a healthy skepticism of any request you don't recognize. If you get a friend request from someone you don't recognize, you should do a basic search on FB to see if you have friends in common. You should NOT click on any video links or any application links. Everyone should also set their Facebook privacy settings to be conservative. For instance, I've made sure I've unchecked the Public Search feature of Facebook applications. This way my profile won't show up in search engine searches of my name. I've also made sure only my friends can see my posts, photos, videos and the like. I don't allow anyone to see my email address either because I figure that friends can send me a message through Facebook to ask for my email address.Bottom line: People in general are way too trusting of leaving their information visible to anyone who wants it. Facebook has value as a means of keeping tabs with friends we don't see much but privacy should be number one in my mind.Deleting our Facebook account, in my opinion, is like using a sledge hammer to kill a fly. Unnecessary and overkill. Lock down your Facebook account for sure but no need to delete it.Is this the end of Facebook? I think that anyone can find any number of reasons to delete Facebook. Properly setup however, Facebook is one important tool for communication as long as common sense and caution are employed. by Leo posted on Friday, October 02, 2015

This morning I tried

This morning I tried chnating with my harmonium and skipped the just-plain-sitting, and it wasn't the same. Don't get me wrong I think it's GREAT to chant! But there is something about just sitting that really focuses me. I'm still learning how to play the harmonium and figuring out chords so it's still a cerebral endeavor. So in addition to chnating, I have to keep on with the just sitting. At least for three minutes! Happy sitting ladies! VN:F [1.9.13_1145](from 0 votes) by Kroshe posted on Monday, December 21, 2015
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